Sunday, February 25, 2018

State House update for February

Sen. Linda Dorcena Forry departs

The Massachusetts Senate saw the departure of one of its most prominent members when Senator Linda Dorcena Forry, a Democrat from Dorchester, resigned her seat to accept a position with Suffolk Construction.  She will serve as vice president of Northeast region, diversity, inclusion and community relations.
Former Sen. Linda Dorcena Forry (photo: Don West)
A special election has been set to fill her seat representing the first Suffolk district. The primary is scheduled for April 3, and the general election will be held on May 1.  Two Boston state representatives, Evandro Carvalho and Nick Collins, are campaigning to move over to the Senate.

The Annual South Boston St. Patrick's Day Breakfast traditionally hosted by the Senator representing the district will this year be led by Congressman Stephen Lynch and City Councillor Michael Flaherty, both of South Boston.

We mourn the passing...

Representative Peter Kocot, Democrat of Northampton and Chairman of the House Committee on Health Care Financing, passed away after an illness.  He was known by colleagues and staff as a "gentle giant" who treated everyone with respect and kindness and worked hard to serve his district.  We at Neponset Strategies extend our deepest sympathies to his family, his friends, and his colleagues and staff.

Rep. Peter Kocot (photo: MassLive)

Policy update

The deadline for committees to report out bills came earlier than usual this year on February 10.  Some of the major pieces yet to be decided include the criminal justice omnibus that is still being reconciled by a conference committee.

The new adult-use marijuana regulations are under review by the Cannabis Control Commission now that the public comment period has concluded.  They have until March 15 to finalize those regulations.  Differences remain among stakeholders as to the appropriate categories of licensure, with elected leaders advocating a go-slow approach and pot proponents saying that a wider variety of licenses is the best way to ensure market participation by members of disproportionately impacted communities.

Consumer protection legislation designed to assist consumers affected by data breaches such as the recent Equifax crisis has passed the House, and the Senate is working on its version of a bill.

The Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change released a broad energy bill that would ban fracking, raise solar energy savings ceilings, encourage the use of renewable energy such as wind, and other initiatives.

And another mass shooting

The students who survived the latest mass shooting at a school are leading the way.  They are forcing conversations about solutions that go beyond "thoughts and prayers".  We are encouraged by their efforts to turn their pain and anger into power and action.  The students of Parkland may yet be the changemakers who help their peers and future generations create safer learning environments.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Under the Dome...

Criminal Justice Reform not quite done...

The House passed its version of criminal justice reform legislation last week, after the Senate passed a much broader bill.  Both bills seek to update mandatory minimum sentences, reduce recidivism, and better protect victims.  The bill now goes to conference committee, where six legislators will work out the differences and report out a single bill. That bill will be taken up by the full Legislature in a straight up-or-down vote before it heads to the Governor’s desk for signature.

Medical Marijuana regulations updated...

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) updated its regulations for the medical use of cannabis as it prepares to move oversight of that industry to the newly-formed Cannabis Control Commission.  Passage of the law that made adult use of cannabis legal also made changes to certain aspects of medical marijuana operations.

Under the new law, medical marijuana dispensaries can operate as for-profit organizations and the regulations needed updating to reflect that they no longer had to organize as non-profits as a condition of licensure.  Another important change is that nurse practitioners, who are able to prescribe medications in Massachusetts, can now also provide medical marijuana recommendations to patients so they can register with DPH.

Health Care changes on the horizon (?)...

The Senate passed a broad health care bill that would hold hospitals accountable for health care spending benchmarks and project whether a single-payer system would be less expensive than the current model, and potentially lay out a plan for implementation.  The House may take up the issue after formal sessions resume in January.  Of course, all of this is occurring amidst uncertainty about the federal approach to health care and the impact of those decisions on Massachusetts. Do stay tuned.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

17 days to last formal session of 2017 and 57 shopping days to Christmas(!)

Meanwhile, under the Golden Dome...

The Senate just passed a massive criminal justice reform package.

Deliberating until nearly 1:30am on Thursday evening, the State Senate capped off a 14-hour day by delivering to the House a large and complex bill that aims to eliminate some fees that have a disparate impact on low-income defendants, raise the age of juvenile jurisdiction to 18 (from 17), and eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for various nonviolent drug offenses and allow certain current inmates to be eligible to earn "good time" where that was previously not permitted.  

It is, to be sure, sweeping legislation that saw over 160 amendments offered.  Successful changes include protection for LGBTQ prisoners and an update to the victim compensation statute eliminating the contributory clause for family members of homicide victims seeking reimbursement for funeral and burial costs.

The House has been working on its own legislation and has indicated that achieving meaningful criminal justice reform this session is a prority.

The Governor is holding on earmark spending for now.

Following a request from House leadership to release funding for manufacturing partnerships between UMass and industry, the Governor said he was holding off on releasing any budgetary earmarks until the state's fiscal picture clears up.  The federal government's position on cost sharing reduction payments is giving states agita as they try to predict health care costs in the coming year.

And in cannabis news - 

There is an FAA rule that may or may not permit marijuana to be transported by air to the Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.  This is important because marijuana remains a federally illegal substance and therefore transporting them by boat or air is prohibited.  That means that the islands have to grow their own marijuana, which is doable but expensive (water, real estate, and electricity tend to cost more), but prevents them from transporting marijuana for required testing, as those operations will be on the mainland.  Experts currently disagree as to whether the rule provides a solution, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A new biennial session begins in Massachusetts

The new year and the new session means a flurry of legislative activity blew in during the month of January.  We saw 14 new legislators take the oath of office, and one member made the jump from the House to the Senate.

Over 5,800 pieces of legislation were filed by the January 20th deadline and co-sponsors had until Friday, the 3rd of February to decide which bills they wanted to endorse.

Firms like ours are now scouring volumes of policy proposals to see which ones may have an impact on the folks we represent, and media outlets are picking out some of the more interesting bills to highlight in their coverage.

Photo credit: Newsday - Tom Brady after the Patriots' 5th(!) SuperBowl win
This photo has nothing to do with our blog topic, but we couldn't resist.
The House and the Senate recently agreed on the rules of their respective chambers and the Joint Rules which govern how they will work collectively to make laws this session.

Leadership is now making decisions about committee assignments and chairmanships, which will be important as organizations and individuals map out their advocacy strategies.  Once committees are populated, legislative hearings will begin.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Seven State Policy Issues to Watch in 2017

Seven State Policy Issues to Watch in 2017

by John Haughey | Dec 21, 2016

During 2016 campaigns, Republicans championing the party’s traditional pledge to cut taxes won both legislative chambers in 32 states and installed GOP governors in 33 states.

There are expectations for them to do so in 2017 while also repairing stressed budgets in states plagued by winnowing revenues and increasing expenditure commitments.

At least 25 states ended Fiscal Year 2016 with budget deficits fostered by lower than projected tax revenues. At least 24 states report FY17 general fund revenues below projections — with 19 imposing mid-year reductions in adopted budgets.

Plugging budget holes while cutting taxes will be most state legislators’ biggest 2017 issue, pitting supporters of public services, state/municipal workers, and educators, among others, against taxpayer advocates and business interests.  

President-elect Donald Trump has pledged $550 billion for infrastructure improvements. After receiving little federal assistance for years, this commitment has buoyed states while also putting the onus on them to integrate capital improvement plans with Trump Administration priorities to get the most bang for the buck.

But finding money to make it happen poses potential political pitfalls. The primary source for infrastructure financing is gas taxes. The federal 18.4 cent gallon levy hasn’t changed since 1993. Congressional Republicans are expected, again, to resist increasing it, leaving states with the unpopular prospect of, again, raising gas taxes.

Of 20 states that haven’t raised gas taxes in more than a decade, at least 12 will consider doing so in 2017. All acknowledge the need for infrastructure investment, but paying the bill will foster contention among opposing advocacy groups.

Congressional inaction has forced states to adopt laws demanding online retailers pay sales taxes. In 2016, South Dakota enacted a law to induce lawsuits and spur a penultimate legal challenge to 1992’s U.S. Supreme Court ‘Quill’ ruling that online sellers need only collect sales taxes for states where they have a physical presence, or “nexus.” 

Three online retailers have sued; the first hearing was in December. Also in December, the U.S. Supreme Court denied a challenge to Colorado’s 2010 “Amazon tax” law.

More than a dozen states are expected to introduce 2017 bills to also levy sales taxes through an “economic,” rather than physical, nexus, setting taxpayers, brick-and-mortar businesses and municipalities against consumer groups and online giants such as Amazon, EBay and

With little Congressional enthusiasm for federal gun control, advocates in 2016 successfully focused on states. Voters approved three of four November state ballot measures — in California, Nevada, Washington — imposing tighter firearms regulations.

However, with Donald Trump as President, Republicans retaining Congressional majorities and the GOP controlling 32 state legislatures, gun control momentum appears stymied. There’s already a glut of 2017 state proposals to expand “constitutional carry,” repeal gun-free zones and pre-empt municipalities from adopting firearms ordinances. 

Unlike when the National Rifle Association and National Shooting Sports Foundation defended gun-owners’ rights against gun-control initiatives sponsored by Michael Bloomberg-financed Every Town For Gun Safety and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence primarily in Washington, D.C., states are the new battleground.

Roughly 2.5 million Americans are addicted to prescription painkillers. Addressing opioid addictions and overdose is a pressing priority for federal and state lawmakers.

Congress took significant action in 2016, approving federal opioid prescribing guidelines and allocating another $1 billion to fighting the epidemic. 

On the state level, 45 governors signed the Compact to Fight Opioid Abuse, mandating, among other things, improved monitoring and increased access to treatment services through state healthcare programs, such as Medicaid. 

Administering these initiatives will again spur a raft of state-level legislation in 2017. There’s little disagreement about the need for them, but the devil — and discord — will be in the details.

Immigration was a contentious issue in the Presidential campaign as well as in state — and even local — elections. 

The fall-out has spurred renewed enthusiasm for state laws banning foreign or religious laws — “anti-Sharia” bills — enhancing crime penalties for undocumented aliens, levying out-of-state money transfer fees and prohibiting “sanctuary cities.” 

In 2016, bills prohibiting “sanctuary cities” were introduced in 18 states, with Georgia joining Missouri and Virginia in banning them. Lawmakers in many as 20 states — including eight with 2016 “sanctuary city” bans in committee, poised for carry-over introduction — are expected to consider similar bans in 2017.

Six states may consider legalizing recreational marijuana in 2017. There is a good chance that Vermont and Rhode Island will be the first states to lift marijuana prohibition by law rather than ballot initiative.

California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada voters approved 2016 measures legalizing recreational marijuana while Florida, Arkansas, North Dakota and Montana voters legalized medical marijuana. Recreational marijuana is now legal in eight states; medical marijuana lawful in 28.

States’ momentum to end marijuana prohibition and tax the $6.7 billion retail marijuana industry, estimated to generate $21.8 billion by 2020, is tempered by Donald Trump’s nomination of marijuana prohibitionist Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) as Attorney General.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Preparing for what's to come...

President Obama and President-elect Trump officially begin the transition.

Winding down and gearing up

The 2015-16 legislative session is winding down.  Though the Legislature has not met in formal sessions since July 31, they continue to meet in informal sessions where bills are more easily stopped, but can move unexpectedly.

By now you've seen the results: Donald Trump is the President-elect, and the only statewide ballot questions that passed were those to require more humane treatment of farm animals and to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for people over 21 years of age.

We have 14 new legislators in the Massachusetts House and Senate.  Walter Timilty (D-Milton) moves from the House to the Senate, so he's technically a veteran lawmaker.

Here at Neponset Strategies, we continue our work to advance the agendas of our clients.  And even though it's not yet Thanksgiving, we are already hard at work mapping out strategies for the coming session.

The only certainty that came from this election season is that change is on the horizon.  If your organization could use some support in legislative, regulatory, or state budgeting processes, or if you'd like some help building relationships with decision-makers, give us a call or drop a line.  

We'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It may seem very quiet up there, but the work continues.

Did you think nothing was happening on Beacon Hill since they wrapped up formal sessions in July? There's always something happening. Back in 2014 after the 2013-14 session finished formal sessions, the House and Senate went on to take over 1000 actions on bills, and sent more than two dozen of them to the Governor for signature.