Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Bills keep coming; opposition to commercializing recreational marijuana grows

There Oughta Be A Law (or several hundred of them)

Joint Rule 10 Day (the deadline for bills to be reported out of committee) has come and gone, but bills are still being filed on various topics.  Some bills are time-sensitive special legislation that cannot abide by the calendar; others are on topics such as license plates, schools and roads.  Ours is an active State House and a busy Legislature.

More Thought Leaders Oppose Recreational Marijuana Industry Creation

You may have read that Sen. Jason Lewis, who chaired the Special Senate Committee on Marijuana, recently took a position in opposition to legalization of recreational marijuana.  He joins Governor Baker, Mayor Walsh, Sheriffs, DAs, and a host of others who have expressed serious concerns about the impacts of full legalization. Sen. Lewis had remained publicly neutral on the issue while the committee completed its work in anticipation of a potential ballot initiative this November. "I am opposed to the likely ballot question because this is the wrong time for Massachusetts to go down this road, and a commercial, profit-driven market is the wrong approach to take," he said. The Boston Globe has the story.  If you want to see the full report of the Special Committee, you can find it here.

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