Thursday, June 16, 2016

New numbers give legislators "pause" and weekend work

Budget, interrupted

It seems that revenues are less robust than budget writers and conferees thought at the outset of the budget process.  Speaker DeLeo has called for a "pause" as state leaders ponder how to close a gap that may be as large as $750M.  This comes as a select group of House and Senate members were beginning negotiations to reconcile differences between House and Senate versions of the budget for Fiscal Year 2017, which begins July 1st, two short weeks from now.

Credit: Boston Herald

Working the weekends

The end of formal sessions arrives on July 31st, even though many lawmakers will be attending their respective national conventions and so will be away for several days.  As a result, we can expect weekend sessions to help legislators get through some of the issues still awaiting action.  Weekend sessions are a rarity, but the clock is ticking.

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